High volume ventilation and energy saving system
Air conditioning in the COVID-19 era where mass ventilation and energy conservation are required at the same time
Since the start of humanity's fight against the new coronavirus, there has been a call for thorough "ventilation" in the air conditioning field. Increasing ventilation will significantly increase air conditioning capacity and energy costs. How to ventilate while keeping costs down and saving energy has become an issue for air conditioning in the COVID-19 era.
Our company has been developing and selling ultra-energy-saving air conditioners that use groundwater, a renewable energy source, as a heat source. In Japan, groundwater is stable at around 15°C regardless of the season, so it can be used as a cooling source as is. For heating, it can also be used directly as a supplement or indirectly as a heat pump heat source, resulting in significant energy savings. For example, when comparing the cooling costs of a typical commercial air conditioner and a groundwater cooler, the groundwater cooler costs only about 1/10th the cost.
It can supply a large amount of cool air while consuming very little power. This characteristic makes it ideal for modern air conditioning, which requires large amounts of ventilation. However, there have been some issues, including some misunderstandings, that have prevented it from becoming widespread.
Problems with groundwater air conditioning: Securing groundwater and water quality
First of all, there is the issue of securing groundwater and its quality. Can groundwater be secured stably? Is there a risk of iron and minerals clogging and corroding the pipes? Our engineers have been working on groundwater utilization systems for many years, and by utilizing their know-how, these issues can be largely resolved by evaluating the stability of groundwater and introducing our own water treatment technology.
Problems with groundwater air conditioning 2. Water volume and humidity
Next, there is the issue of water volume and humidity. A commonly known type of air conditioning that uses water is an evaporative cooling fan. This method circulates room temperature water and uses the latent heat generated by evaporation to lower the temperature. However, with this method, the more the air conditioning is turned on, the higher the humidity becomes, and there are also hygiene issues.
Our drip-type groundwater cooler can solve the problem of groundwater air conditioning.
We have developed two types of groundwater cooler systems that use renewable energy, one of which is the "drip type (flowing type)" which is similar to an evaporative air cooler. The uniqueness of this system is that it uses groundwater by flowing it over the ground. Not only is it hygienic, but the air comes into direct contact with the cold groundwater, allowing for efficient cooling. Another feature is that the amount of evaporation is overwhelmingly less than that of an evaporative air cooler, making it highly comfortable. The amount of water used is also extremely small, and it can be operated with a small amount of groundwater.
Unique multi-stage heat exchange unit provides ideal ultra-energy-saving ventilation and air conditioning
In addition to the "drip type," we also have a groundwater air conditioning system that uses renewable energy, which we call the "radiator type." This indirectly exchanges heat by passing natural groundwater through a highly corrosion-resistant radiator. Although it requires a larger volume of water than the drip type, the discharge temperature is lower and, above all, it has a higher dehumidifying effect. The radiator type has been used in some groundwater air conditioning systems, but there were issues with durability and the large amount of water used. In our case, we overcame the former issue by using materials and water treatment technology, but there was still a limit to how much water could be improved.
Therefore, in recent years, we have developed a "multi-stage heat exchange unit" that combines the features of both the drip and radiator types of groundwater as an ideal groundwater air conditioning method. The following diagram shows an example of multi-stage use. First, the drip pad in the first stage uses a small amount of groundwater to quickly lower the temperature. Then, the radiator pad finally cools and dehumidifies to the level of an air conditioner. This combination makes it possible to provide air conditioning equivalent to an air conditioner with a large air volume using only a small amount of water and minimal electricity. Because it uses so little water, it can be operated with a small chiller even in areas where groundwater is completely unsuitable. Furthermore, the radiator type can use any other heat source, and can even provide heating while utilizing renewable energy such as waste heat and solar heat.
Air conditioning using this multi-stage heat exchange unit is being introduced in various factories and large facilities, overturning conventional wisdom about air conditioning design.Currently, multi-stage heat exchange units that incorporate the idea of total heat exchange and recover exhaust heat are also being developed.
Please leave the air conditioning design using renewable energy to us.
The optimal air conditioning design method varies from facility to facility, and the above general outline alone is not sufficient. In particular, our company designs from the heat source itself, and also proposes the optimal multi-stage heat exchanger depending on the operating conditions. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.
Image of a factory intake and exhaust heat recovery system
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Aqua Green Eternal uses renewable energy.
We sell ultra-energy-efficient air conditioners.
Questions about renewable energy, energy conservation, air conditioning, etc.
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